Many suffer from feeling tired and lethargic in the winter. The German magazine “Freuden” provides five tips and advice to overcome this feeling and increase energy:

Turn off the phone an hour
One has to turn off the smartphone for at least one hour a day, or even put it on the flight mode, it is not necessary to be available around the clock, and it is also useful to stay away from social media for a period, and during this period of interruption can be enjoyed walking Outdoors, listening to music or reading a book.

Stretching exercises
Tight muscles consume more energy, and with simple stretching exercises you can improve muscle flexibility, reduce stress hormone, and improve blood flow to the muscles.

Order of purposes
When you are surrounded by chaos everywhere, this may lead to consuming a lot of body energy, and therefore it is advised to arrange work and living places.

More magnesium
The human body - especially women - is affected by a deficiency of magnesium, which appears in the form of fatigue, nervousness and fatigue, and to recharge cells with energy, foods rich in magnesium such as vegetables, nuts, legumes and fish must be eaten.

Sun light
It is important during the winter to be exposed to the sun, and therefore it is advised to go out of the house whenever possible to avoid a lack of Vitamin D, which is reflected in the strength and enhance the mood of the body, and some studies have proven that sunlight relieves pain due to the production of the hormone serotonin, which Melatonin can be converted to sleep hormone.