The Algerian police confiscated Dick (Sarddock) in the local dialect in a strange incident, based on a diplomatic complaint lodged by the Italian embassy in Algiers.

Immediately after the news spread, thousands of activists who sympathized with a campaign to release the rooster, especially since his chicken hatched its eggs only days ago from seven chicks, according to the owner of the rooster whose house is located adjacent to the embassy building, and the owner of the rooster added that his rooster is very active in the early morning hours and he He does his job to wake up the family to work and schools.

Activists released a video clip in which the cock owner deplored the police confiscation of the cock, calling for his return, as he left "a chicken and 7 chicks".

The owner of the rooster stated that the Italian diplomat complained that she was subjected to repeated inconvenience from the rooster crowing, so she decided to file a complaint against him without warning.

In solidarity with the owner of the rooster, the Algerians launched chatters such as "# Freedom to Saddock" and "# Launch the rooster"