New type pneumonia No route to infection No vaccine or specific medicine available January 27 17:42

The new coronavirus is a newly identified virus that has not been known so far. The route of transmission is unknown, and it is thought that humans are not immune to this virus, and there is no vaccine or specific medicine.

If the infection develops, treatment is symptomatic.In the case of dehydration, hydration is given by infusion of infusion, and if breathing becomes difficult, oxygen is administered or management is performed with a ventilator. Take action.

When kidney and liver function deteriorates due to severe conditions, dialysis is performed and drugs to protect the liver are given.

The US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has revealed that it is developing a vaccine for a new coronavirus.

"We will begin a clinical trial to confirm the efficacy and safety of the vaccine within three months," said Anthony Fouch, director of the institute, in an interview with the US media.

Zhongnanshan, head of a team of health authorities in China on the development of therapeutics, told Chinese media, "I'm preparing to use a number of drugs that have already been confirmed safe for clinical treatment. And that they are in a hurry to respond.