Why do students go to university? I mean here the campus, the reason is the presence of the lecture halls on that campus, as well as professors and the library, where students need to access the sources of knowledge, what if these professors are available and in the same quality and in more innovative ways through the mobile or computer, and what if you have all the educational resources available to you The required means are available to communicate with teachers around the clock. What if you do not need to travel thousands of kilometers and have access to education wherever you are and at the time that suits you?

This is what university education will become in the future, which has already started several years ago, and two years ago a specialist in the field of higher education predicted that universities in their traditional form will disappear within 50 years to be replaced by digital education and technology, but it seems that this change will happen before half Duration, and even there are predictions that universities may disappear or at least decline their role within 15 years at most. It seems that higher education officials and university presidents all over the world are not moving at the required speed, especially in public universities, where they live in a "boiled frog" situation, an experiment in which a frog is placed in water with a normal temperature and then the water is gradually heated until it reaches a boiling point and the frog dies due to Not realizing the threat and waiting for it to end, and this is exactly what happened in international retailers such as "Debenhams, BHS, Mothercare, Borders and Toys R Us", and hundreds of other stores, and the reason is simply the decline in sales due to consumer tendency to shop online ( Online), which facilitates my work Purchase at cheaper prices because the seller does not need to pay shop rent and other expenses. The same thing happened with the banking sector globally, where we find every day dozens of branches closing their doors, and many banks merge with each other, otherwise the alternative is closure.

Taking into account the difference in the context, education is a service that the service provider (the university) provides to the service consumer (student), and some institutions that provide educational services such as "Coursera, Yudemy, and IDEX" have predicted this scenario, and instead of waiting or just predicting the future, they started In making and shaping the future by providing distance education and in a context that guarantees quality and in accordance with the standards. There are also some universities in Europe and America that have already started to offer many of their programs “online” instead of traditional education, and in the Arab world if we do not wake up and move as quickly as possible and learn lessons Of the others six Wen bad results, either economically or socially.


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Some universities in Europe and America have already started offering many of their online programs.