The death toll from the new Corona virus in China has risen to 41.

In an effort to contain the outbreak of the Coronavirus, the relevant Chinese authorities have isolated 12 cities and 43 million people, halting public transport and suspending public gatherings.

According to the Chinese Central Television, there are 1287 confirmed cases of the virus in 30 Chinese provinces to date, and among these cases, 500 cases were discovered in Wuhan, central China, according to health authorities in Hubei Province.

Among the victims who died after contracting the virus, 39 were in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, which witnessed the start of the outbreak. The other two people died in Hebei and Heilongjiang provinces.

And the virus continues to spread globally, as Malaysia has announced the first 3 confirmed cases of coronavirus..While Australia has announced the registration of the first confirmed case of HIV infection on its soil, Pakistan has also announced the diagnosis of the first case, while the number of infections in France rose to 3 cases.