Man usually searches for administrative wisdom between books, biographies of successful students, specialized courses and programs, as well as relying on the outcome of his career years, to reach the best expectation or intuition to make a specific decision in a project. All of this is important and good, but it is no longer sufficient for the current era of the data age, and the spaces it provides for smart decision-making based on what I want to call (data intuition) instead of just the intuition of experience.

If we think, what is the common practice among many parties seeking discrimination or looking for a new perspective that elevates its work? It is often the search for a house of expertise to dispatch its best employees to gain the latest knowledge and administrative directions or advisors from acclaimed to provide the institution or the entity with a new perspective of self-sufficiency, but what we overlook is that the data of the institutions is the best smart consultant for leaders and staff, but how?

The data of any entity in the world, whether it is a private sector company, micro, small, medium, or giant, or whether government agencies are an instantaneous and immediate diagnosis of the nature of the institution's performance, and an immediate indication of the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations and the various variables that are important to its leadership.

But the data remains without effect and meaning unless a decision is made at the level of the authorities that the data be from the strategic pillars and choose an appropriate platform and applications that allow the entity to see the data moment by moment and put it in equations that enable smart decision.

I do not underestimate the importance of the cumulative experience of a person, but the decision based on experience and professional intuition has a greater margin of error and the chances of success and failure in it at best may be equal. However, merging professional intuition with data analysis, especially the real-time performance indicators, will make the chances of success much greater and will always favor the success in favor of success in the initiative and project.

The smart decision based on data is a fertile ground for improving services in a sustainable way, and a source of new ideas that the best consulting firms are unable to provide, and the data is a strategic pillar for building better partnerships and alliances with partners best suited to the success of the institution or the entity, whether in the governmental or private sector.

The intuition of data in the "Economic Impact of Data" report told us in Dubai that the process of publishing and exchanging data in the Emirate's public and private sectors will lead to an increase in the total value added of the emirate's GDP by 10.4 billion dirhams annually by 2021, and this was the moment of preparing the report in May 2017 And imagine the difference in expectations today, after the level of maturity that we reached in the data journey. I mentioned this as an example that is measured by the endless capabilities that (data intuition) adds wherever it is employed!

Assistant General Manager, Smart Dubai, Executive Director of Dubai Data Corporation

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"A smart data-driven decision is a fertile ground for sustainable service improvement."