The summer of 2018 came the message: Partially state-owned Telia buys Bonnier broadcasting and thus TV4. The deal was approved in December and in the same vein, the agreement between TV4 / C More and Tele 2 is about to expire.

TV4 believes that Tele2 has been given the opportunity to extend the agreement. But according to Mathias Berg, Operational Manager at TV4 and C More, the conflict is about Tele2 demanding new rights that they do not want to pay for.

During Tuesday morning, Mathias Berg, operational manager of TV4 and CMore, said in TV4's News Morning.

- This is a regular commercial negotiation we have with one of our partners. They take place with a certain regularity about the conditions that apply to TV4 forwarding. Just this time, it has become so unfortunate that our counterpart Tele2 has used this to drive opinion in Sweden and have taken their households a bit hostage, he said and continued:

- They want rights they don't want to pay us for.

"Very close extinguishing"

Tele2's households comprise about one third of Swedish households. The company's press spokesperson Viktor Wallström tells the Culture News that they are trying to get Telia to the negotiating table. Otherwise, the channels are switched off at midnight.

- Now we stand here and are very close to extinguishing. It is of course very regrettable, we try as best we can to get to a dialogue and have invited Telia to take a meeting with us, he says.

TV4 believes that it is TV4 Media that is the negotiating party, but Tele2, on their part, does not feel that TV4 has a mandate to negotiate and wants to do business directly with Telia.

"It is in Telia's hands," says Viktor Wallström.