An auction failed today, Monday, to sell a dark blue velvet dress that the late Princess Diana was wearing when she danced with actor John Travolta during a dinner in the White House in 1985, while two other dresses were sold to her above their prices.

The dress is bare, narrow and widening at the knees, and was designed by Victor Edelstein, one of the most famous princess Diana dresses that died in 1997.

The dress was put up for sale at the Kerry Taylor Auction House in London as part of a show called "A Passion for Fashion" and estimates ranged between 250 thousand and 300 thousand pounds (32 and 38 thousand dollars), but it failed to achieve this price.

Before the dress show, auction owner Kerry Taylor said, "There is great interest in Britain and also great interest in America of course because this is Diana's unforgettable dress in America."

She added that the dress was bought in 2013 by a "romantic man who wanted to make his wife happy" for 200,000 pounds.

"But he has been locked in the closet most of the time since then and now as a couple they want to return to the public square," she added.

Another two dresses for Diana were sold at the same auction, one for 48 thousand pounds, although estimates of its price ranged between 20 and 30 thousand, and the second for 28 thousand pounds and the estimates for its price ranged between four and six thousand pounds only.