This anniversary of the Constitution is not one more. Because never before has the validity of the legal system been so questioned that since December 6, 1978 it sanctions the freedom and equality of all Spaniards. Beyond the debate on the need for its reform - which cannot be raised without clarifying previously at what extremes, for what purposes and for what majority -, today the urgent thing is not to incur in the mental framework of separatism pointing out deficiencies susceptible to amendment, but vindicating the democratic order that has allowed us to enjoy the most prosperous and peaceful period in our history.

We should not resign ourselves to the total degradation of the culture of the Transition, no matter how much the signs of system depletion are hidden from anyone. The rise of populism and the ongoing challenge of secessionism have unleashed a state crisis that should be recognized to better cope with it. That crisis has many parents, but we should already be able to identify a main cause: the contumacy in the disloyalty of nationalism and the need that bipartisanship has had of its votes to complete majorities of government, increasing its assignments until emptying of the presence of the State the zones controlled by nationalists.

This drift has reached the degree of paroxysm under the presidency of Pedro Sánchez. No other ruler had dared to stress the seams of the democracy of 78 so much, trying to normalize by way of consummated alliances and mortgages that until his arrival they had been considered infamous. We are living in a political moment in which the acting president of the Government of Spain provokes a headline when he affirms that his negotiation with ERC to gain support for his investiture will take place within the law and will be public. More would be missing, Mr. Sánchez. That he feels obliged to warn him is revealing of his fame but does not even guarantee anything, given the delectable value of Sanchez's word. A politician who campaigned against separatism and who, after opening the polls, went to deposit the government key in the Lledoners prison, where those convicted of sedition are serving sentences. Below today's constitutional expenses, the humiliating auction will continue at the unworthy price of not resorting to the defiant resolutions of the Parliament or of agreeing on a parallel institutionalization such as the table of parties that demand ERC and Junts per Catalunya, parties responsible for the greatest aggression against constitutional order from 23-F.

The institutional liturgy that commemorates the Constitution is hollow if it does not commit its protagonists. Today is a day to reject both the belligerence of the antisystem and the hypocrisy of the opportunists, and to renew the loyalty to the values ​​on which our coexistence stands.

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