The government will give up the month without alcohol in January. According to the Federation addiction, the Ministry of Health will not carry the campaign Dry January that was preparing to launch Public Health France. Its president denounces yet another setback in favor of "economic interests" of a sector that welcomes this decision.

There will be no alcohol free month next January. According to the Addiction Federation, the government prefers to give up this "Dry January", a "dry January" based on the British model. Public Health France was yet ready to announce the launch of this month of mobilization around the consumption of alcohol. But the arbitration rendered confirms what Emmanuel Macron said during a lunch with the champagne producers. The President of the Republic then declared his opposition to this campaign.

One more step back

"Arbitrations have tilted towards the economic interests of a particular industry," said Nathalie Latour. The president of the Federation addiction denounces yet another step back to the lobby of alcohol, while "the damage caused by alcohol in the long term are also to be taken into account in the public finances." But she especially regrets that the campaign that prepared Public Health France was not understood. "One has the impression that there was no alcohol at all in France, when the point was not this one," says Nathalie Latour.

>> ALSO LISTEN - Jimmy's good advice: when will the "alcohol free month" come?

Promotion of moderation

On the contrary, Maxime Toubart welcomes this decision. "It is not the economic interests" that prevails, defends even the President of the general union of Champagne vine growers. "It would be a gross mistake not to consider that there is a real problem of alcohol abuse among some consumers," even recognizes the producer, who defends another model of prevention. "We are rather on a promotion of moderation, of responsible consumption", explains Maxime Toubart for whom this approach appears "much more adapted today".