Sara Danius, best known as the Swedish Academy's first female permanent secretary, turned 57. In a post on Facebook, her mother, author Anna Wahgren, writes and thanks for her participation and compassion after her daughter passed away.

"The breast cancer spreads relentlessly. We all knew over the past six months that the end could only be one, ”she writes in the emotional post.

“Throughout her incomparable work for and representation of the Swedish Academy since she was elected as a member and later as a permanent secretary and front figure for the same, she underwent a very dense, demanding, exhausting and sometimes unbearable treatment. Of that she did not show anything outwardly, ”writes Anna Wahlgren.

Thank you for your compassion

She thanks everyone who has shown her support and compassion, the hospital where her daughter was cared for and ends the post by thanking Sara Danius's siblings.

"I would also like to thank, and not least, the now six sisters and the loving brother for their priceless cohesion around Sara, and also, this difficult time of powerlessness, hope and despair - but never-failing love and joy of life."