How often do you have sex? At what period of the cycle? At what age does a woman's fertility begin to decline? Gynecologist François Olivennes answers all questions of Mélanie Gomez.


Between the moment we decide to have a child and the beginning of pregnancy, the wait sometimes seems long. However, there are ways to put all the chances on his side to accelerate a little movement. A gynecologist and a specialist in reproduction, Dr. François Olivennes explains to Mélanie Gomez's microphone how to prepare herself and maximize her chances of pregnancy.

Ovulation period

First advice of Dr. Olivennes: to have very regular sexual intercourse. "It seems obvious, but to get pregnant, it is advisable to have every two days.Ideally during ovulation," says François Olivennes. To determine this moment, several solutions exist.

"The temperature curves are particularly popular, but they indicate the ovulation period only afterwards ( the sudden increase in temperature indicates that ovulation took place the day before, Ed .). until the curve rises. " Another solution to better understand its cycle: ovulation tests, sold in pharmacies.

The influence of age

The phase of the menstrual cycle is of course not the only element that comes into play. The age of women greatly affects their fertility. "It begins to drop to 35 or 36 years, and decreases sharply to 38 or 40. Above 42, the chances become very low." In recent decades, the average age of first-time women has steadily declined. According to INSEE, it was 28 years and a half in 2015, against 24 years in 1974. "I see it in my own practice," says François Olivennes.

"The average age of my patients has increased significantly over the years, and I will say that I now have 40% of women over 38 years old." The impact of age on the fertility of men remains quite uncertain. "We remember well Charlie Chaplin father over 70 years ... It's unfair but it's like that!" Exclaims the gynecologist.

Vaccines to check

Other factors may affect fertility. Weight in particular, whether overweight or very thin. And this time, women and men are housed at the same sign: overweight can be harmful for sperm. Tobacco and procreation do not mix well. "For a woman who smokes more than four cigarettes a day, tobacco is the poison of fertility," says the doctor. In humans, it is the daily consumption of alcohol that can influence the state of sperm.

And to maximize your chances, a couple has every interest in checking their general health in anticipation of pregnancy. "Some diseases, such as diabetes, can affect the health of the fetus, while pregnancy is contraindicated in some heart conditions, so it's important to consult a doctor." Some vaccines are also to check, among others rubella, very dangerous for a fetus, hepatitis, chickenpox, and whooping cough.

With all these indications in mind, how long does it take to consult a fertility specialist if the pregnancy is still waiting? François Olivennes answers: "Below 35 years, a fertility assessment is recommended after one year of unsuccessful trials.After 37, the period is rather six months."