US top politician and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton visited during the Venice Biennale this week. But it was one of the exhibits that particularly caught her interest: the exhibition HILLARY: The Hillary Clinton's emails.

Artist and poet Kenneth Goldsmith's exhibition includes printed copies of Clinton's 62,000 leaked e-mails published by the whistleblower movement WikiLeaks, in connection with the 2016 US presidential election. .

"Alarm the White House someone"

And judge the artist's surprise when Hillary Clinton suddenly showed up, and did just that.

“I found my e-mail at the Vennedigbiennalen. Call the Republicans someone, "Hillary Clinton wrote on Twitter Thursday.

The leaked emails, sent to or from Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta, received a lot of attention when published by Wikileaks. Among other things, they show how Clinton's campaign staff exerted pressure on postponing the primary election in Illinois and making Clinton and her staff appear as power players of rank. The email got major focus during the 2016 presidential election and was used by Donald Trump as a way to argue against his rival.

But Hillary Clinton was not impressed with the show.

"These emails are just so boring," she should have told the organizers in connection with the exhibition, adding: "The exhibition is just further proof that there is nothing wrong or controversial in them."

"So boring"

According to Kenneth Goldsmith, organizers had received information that Clinton would visit the exhibit, but Goldsmith was convinced it was a joke.

"I never could have imagined that she would actually come," he told Artnet News.