In light of the music of contemporary composer Du Weih, the Shanghai Opera Ballet performs "The Gospels of Spring", based on the novel by the Chinese author, Ru Xi, titled "February." The performance on Dubai Opera belongs to the dance drama, with its abstract dimensions and paper-based details, to tell the dancers on the stage and their graceful sway with quiet music, the story of the young man facing the culture of a fossilized society, whose actions towards the young widow are misinterpreted. This forces him to make decisive decisions, escalating events and tragic consequences.

Abstract ideas

Set in the countryside of Jangzhou and Zigang provinces in the 1920s, the dance drama carries a lot of emotions that flow with the dance movements that steal the audience from all the stage-based scenography. The dominant decoration on the stage is paper, which makes it more indicative of Chinese culture, and the dim lighting, and the scenes that we find manipulate through the screens reflected on the background of the theater, they found to support the music that we find the most profound in the expression of cases and feelings. The characters are portrayed as real, composing music about the characters and having them installed.

The show is based on abstract ideas, dance and abstract-oriented presentation, carrying a lot of thumb, and possible interpretation, many of the scenes that can offer more than one interpretation, including the paper doll carried by the widow and dancing, which makes the show more attached to the imagination of the viewer, and stimulating Him to invent his own version of events.

Body expression

The main dancer in the show, Su Yoo, told Emirates Today about the show and its role, saying: «I play a young role in the prime of the young, moving to a new country, but he feels pressure due to different habits in society, and how it is loaded a lot of burdens, knowing "The hardest part of my role is that it doesn't look like me at all, so I sought to understand the character and the pressures it is subjected to present very well." He noted that social pressures relate to the era to which the story belongs, especially since he is not from the town itself, but when he came to the city. Differences are resurfacing, and this is what makes AMD display events escalate A, and pointed out that it is the original dance form of how human beings express themselves, and that seeks to express his feelings through the body, it is a universal language that can not be understood or opaque to anyone. And between the feelings and elaborate steps to the rhythm of music, the Chinese dancer that what moves him on the stage is the combination of the two, can not get out of the rhythm of music, and it must be understood from the translation of emotions in the story, explaining that dancing has difficulties as any other area of ​​life , But skips it no matter what.

A different art

The dancer, who presents the main character in the work, Tingting Yen, noted that she plays the role of Toulon, a fun and educated figure, explaining that she tries hard to reflect these features through her dance style. She noted that dance is a physical language, there is always a way to express through every part of the body, and this is what makes this art different from other arts. She pointed out that through the movements performed by the theater releases signals reach the audience, and these signals are the way in which they establish their relationship with the audience. Yen confirmed that she rejects or accepts offers depending on the character she will play, noting that in this offer found many points in common with the character you play, including self-confidence and strength.

International awards and offers

The "Bashaer Al-Rabie" will be presented in two performances on Dubai Opera. The second show will conclude tonight. The opera house has produced a variety of performances ranging from opera to dance performances since its founding in 1956. The band has won 67 awards both in China and abroad, and 25 of its artists have won local and international awards in singing and dancing.