An industrial building, a meat meat villain of the summer and, above it, competences of the Ministry of Health and Agriculture of the Junta de Andalucía, in addition to the Planning and Health departments of the City of Seville. Ideal scenario of cowardly politicians: distributed powers. On the other hand, if citizens see the roles of municipal, regional, national and European legislation with something to say about such an installation, we would understand that the promise of removing papers is one of the most powerful electoral attractions of trumpism in the US. Roles, not inspections.

Near Priego, Córdoba, the most exquisite virgin olive oil chips I have ever made are made for sale in world-famous gourmet stores. The founder told me of his satisfaction in getting a British organization to certify him that, at any moment, he could inspect without warning. Thus he showed that he was frying with the highest quality oil and that, in each bag, the grams announced in the package were included. It does not always happen and it is quite easy to breach what is sold to the customer because, as we have seen with La Mechá, there are hardly any official inspections.

Any Mercadona provider, however, knows about the control that Juan Roig submits to them. To be in their lines, they have to open their factories and accounting books. The executives of your firm don't care about the official permits, they need to check the quality controls for themselves. Unlike politicians, the entrepreneur who risks the health of his clients has a direct cost in sales.

With powers distributed among administrations, politicians know that their management has no electoral cost. Close to home, a multinational keeps the gardens of its shopping center perfect while the nearby roundabout is a field of bushes: several administrations have powers over it. Also in the Baños del Carmen, that malagueño enclave that sometimes foreign people come, moved by the voice of Mayte Martín singing by Manuel Alcántara and become disillusioned with their decline, in a privileged enclave. "Several administrations," say the locals, shrugging. But there we play an improved landscape, not life for an infection.

The good news is that there have been fewer deaths from listeriosis than in similar outbreaks in Denmark and the US . With the sick, only the staff of the Andalusian hospitals had competence. And he has done well. Treat people and not papers.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Mercadona
  • Denmark
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