Summer, especially holidays, is an ideal time to read. And so to buy books. It's time to check out booksellers. Who are the big winners in sales?

It's time to check out booksellers. Who are the big winners in sales?

The exception Sarkozy. He is decidedly undeniable. Guillaume Musso is largely at the top of the podium, with 260,000 copies of the pocket version of The Girl and the Night . The secret life of writers , his latest novel is ranked 17th. Then, in the top 20 of the GFK-Livres Hebdo ranking, they are either polars or feel good novels, like Change the water of flowers by Valérie Perrin, in pocket format too, which takes the 2nd place. Then Raphaëlle Giordano trustees the ranking with two books in the TOP 20. The day lions eat green salad and Your second life starts when you understand that you only have one .

Then come the police then, with the last Joel Dicker, The disappearance of Stéphanie Mailer , in 5th position. Then The unfinished manuscript of Franck Thilliez. There is one exception: a political book, in 8th place. That of Nicolas Sarkozy. Editions of the Observatory.

But beware, the return to literature already begins its incursion, with novels published around August 18, like those of Jean-Paul Dubois, Sorj Chalandon and of course Amelie Nothomb.