Americans as children: they cannot live without a fight. This or that front is a little subsiding - they rush there with a cry of "heap-small!" Together with their allies in the Middle East - Israel and Saudi Arabia - they manage to keep the region in a state of controlled chaos, provide new waves of refugees to Europe, prove to the world that they can do whatever they want. And most importantly, to negotiate in the current situation is completely useless. Not with anyone.

It was only when Presidents Putin and Erdogan were able to agree at a meeting in Zhukovsky that they should try to calm Idlib peacefully, the Syrian government agreed, ceased fire, and there was hope for a bloodless solution to the problem - and right now where did the Americans fly and bomb Idlib. We supposedly bombed the nest of Islamists from al-Qaeda *, the Pentagon says. The results of the bombing are impressive: dozens of those killed - both militants and civilians.

The epicenter is the headquarters of the militants, but there are wounded and killed in the surrounding villages. Due to the strength of the bombing strike, it was impossible to even calculate casualties.

Frankly speaking, al-Qaeda terrorists (today they are called Khurras al-Din) are not very sorry. Russian planes also bombed them, only then did the Western press cry out to heaven and speak of "civilian casualties." Now, oddly enough, no such voices are heard.

But Russia condemned the bombing for two good reasons. Firstly, the American bombing threatens to disrupt the ceasefire in Idlib, to renew the war in the area, to aggravate relations between Russia and Turkey. Secondly, this blow breaks the system of agreements between Russia and the United States. These agreements between the Russian and American military aimed to avoid a conflict between the two great powers in the sky of Syria. The Americans are crazy as they want and can be on the other side of the Euphrates, the Russians are helping the legitimate Syrian government on this side - and thus they do not intersect and threaten each other.

Now, after this raid, the agreements have come to an end. Unless Russia will reconcile itself to the situation when it restricts its actions, and the USA enjoys complete freedom of action. Until now, the agreements have been respected - except in one case in July, when the United States also raided the base in Idlib. Now again.

Russia has to take into account the new situation when the United States breaks agreements and spits on everyone. This situation is everywhere.

The United States withdrew (torn!) From the international agreement on Iran. American allies go the same way. Saudi Arabia bombing Yemen; Israel set a personal record by bombing last weekend in three countries: Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. They just can't wait to start a war.

There is simply no point in negotiating with them. For a long time, the Taliban ** refused to enter into negotiations with the Americans and their proteges, arguing that there was nothing to agree on. The Americans must leave Afghanistan, and that’s it. “No, let's negotiate,” President Trump insisted. “We want to withdraw the troops calmly, not under fire.” And the Taliban agreed. They led, negotiated, and after they seemed to agree, President Trump said this week: "We will never leave Afghanistan." Why then were the negotiations?

The Taliban responded to this act of treachery with a powerful offensive in the province of Kunduz. Apparently, they realized that the Americans can only be driven out, as the Vietnamese, Cubans, Chinese drove them away at one time.

Contracts are unreachable with non-negotiable. The DPRK came to this conclusion. Summits passed between Kim and Trump, there was a lot of joy and optimism, but the results were zero. DPRK had to resume its missile launch program. The Iranians are gradually emerging from the nuclear deal that Trump has practically brought down.

I would not want to, but, apparently, Russia also needs to understand and learn the new rules of the game: there are no rules. If Americans can be bombed by "bad people" in the province of Idlib, Russians will also find someone to bomb by, say, Colombia, from where "bad people" threaten Venezuela. And the Turks have long been going to deal with Kurdish militants who feel calmly under the auspices of the United States. So the remnants of stability disappear, and the world returns to the power game of the beginning of the 20th century.

* “Al-Qaeda” - the organization was recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2003.

** “Taliban” - the organization was recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2003.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.