The mobilization of yellow vests causes many slowdowns in Ille-et-Vilaine. Protesters block the roundabouts in Fougères, Saint-Malo or Redon. A snail operation on the Rennes ring road also reunited several hundred vehicles. A rally is planned in front of the prefecture at 4 pm The point this Saturday, November 17 at 12:30.

The yellow vests called to block roads and strategic points Saturday, throughout the country, during a "mobilization general" citizen unprecedented against rising fuel prices. Rennes, Fougères, Vitré, Saint-Malo, Redon ... In Ille-et-Vilaine, this mobilization is important. The point at mid-day.

On the side of the prefecture, we evoke thousands of protesters without being able to give precise figures for the moment.

First actions from 4 pm in Fougères

The actions of the Yellow Vests started very early, this Saturday, November 17, in Ille-et-Vilaine. The first protesters mobilized, from 4 am in the morning, blocked five petrol stations in Fougères.

At Louvigné-du-Désert, the yellow vests found themselves on the ground from 7 am. At four points of blockage, the lines of cars quickly lengthened, causing annoyance of motorists.

If all in all, they took their trouble and agreed to talk with the protesters, an incident occurred in the early morning. One man forced one of the filter dams before getting out of his car and getting on with one of the yellow vests.

If in # Fougeres, the vast majority of motorists take their trouble and accept to exchange with #GiletsJaunes, a first incident occurred on one of the points of blockage a few minutes ago.

- Ouest-France 35 (@ ouestfrance35) November 17, 2018

The blockages of the Yellow Vests also got the better of the market.

In Louvigné-du-désert, the 4 accesses of the town are blocked, indicates the prefecture.

Snail operation on the Rennes ring road

In the middle of the morning, the demonstrators converged on the Rennes ring road, coming from Vitré, Châteaubourg, and meeting points of the metropolis, for a snail operation, which began around 10:30.

In the southern sector, it has been invaded by hundreds of cars and motorcycles. No incidents were to be deplored.

Lunch on the ring road for Yellow vests @ TVR35 @joleneroue

- Tondriaux-G Raphaèle (@TngRaphaele) November 17, 2018

A rally is scheduled at 4 pm in front of the prefecture. Yellow Vests intend to continue their action on the ring road until then.

The demonstrators organized a lunch on the ring road, as shown in the video of our colleague from TV Rennes.

Lunch on the ring road for Yellow vests @ TVR35 @joleneroue

- Tondriaux-G Raphaèle (@TngRaphaele) November 17, 2018

For the safety and comfort of motorists, the prefecture advises "as far as possible, to avoid taking the following directions and to follow any deviations put in place. "

400 yellow vests mobilized in Saint-Malo

At 11 am, the spokesperson of the Vests Jaunes Saint-Malo estimated the mobilization to 400 people spread over four roundabouts of Saint-Malo. He recalls that the goal is not to "fuck the brothel". Yellow Vests slow down traffic at city entrances but do not completely block vehicles. Overall, the movement is rather well received by motorists who are, for the most part, in favor of the movement. " It bores me because I'm already fifteen minutes late at work. But it was necessary to get together today to get things moving and say our government is fed up , " said a security officer, stuck at a roundabout.

In the ranks of protesters, it's not just about taxes and fuel. It is a general anger expressed against pensions, speed on the roads, CSG, technical control ... "We are taxed from all sides while we work without counting. We feel unfairly treated by a state that looks down on us and despises us , " says 52-year-old Jocelyne.

Overall, the atmosphere is good, except perhaps for motorists who refuse to put their yellow vests on their dashboard as a sign of support for the protesters. For them, waiting for roundabouts will be a little longer ...

#Yellowjackets In Saint-Malo, cars are strongly urged to put their yellow vests on the dashboard as a sign of support. At the risk of being booed and blocked a little longer ...

- Ouest-France 35 (@ ouestfrance35) November 17, 2018

Roundabouts blocked at Redon

In Redon, around noon, yellow vests were still strongly mobilized. They are positioned at several roundabouts around the city and have set up filter dams.

The atmosphere is calm but the fed up expresses itself clearly at the discretion of the discussions that take place. The gendarmes watch near the dams and report no incident. The commercial areas and downtown, usually frequented on Saturday mornings, are quiet. The actions will continue this afternoon.

"I will be there to continue to put pressure. It must not stop there. I'm ready to come back tomorrow. The following weekends, if necessary " , testifies Jean-Marie, mobilized since 9 am this morning.

"I am surprised at the number of people in Redon. We do not just come for fuel. It's a whole: there are too many inequalities. We always tap on the most humble. The only way to be heard is to regroup. We are here, we exist. "

#GiletJaunes Filter dams around #redon. The commercial areas and the downtown area, usually frequented on Saturday mornings, are very quiet

- Ouest-France 35 (@ ouestfrance35) November 17, 2018

In Bain-de-Bretagne, filtering is underway near the Carrefour.

Manure trailer dumped at Pleumeleuc

A manure trailer was dumped under the Bail exchanger at Pleumeleuc, blocking traffic. The DIR managed the alternating traffic, the time that the firefighters of Bédée clear and clean the tracks.

Call for caution

The prefecture invites all motorists to exercise the utmost vigilance: "It is important to maintain the safety distances and to respect the specific signs put in place, especially the instructions indicated via the variable message signs (VMS). "

The prefecture recommends that road users, for their safety and comfort, defer and limit, if they can, their movements in these time slots, favor public transport and scrupulously respect the deviations that will be implemented. square. "Be sure to follow the instructions on the variable message signs (VMS). "