Some 200 yellow vests spread over the three roundabouts giving access to The Hague-du-Puits filter the passage of trucks and cars every half hour on Tuesday morning, November 20, 2018.

Some yellow vests have spent the night filtering traffic at The Hague-du-Puits, joined by farmers and their tractors since Monday. They placed themselves at the three entrances of the commune on the side of Lessay, Cherbourg Saint-Sauveur-Le-Vicomte and Barneville-Carteret.

Cars and trucks pass every half hour

At this moment, Tuesday morning November 20, 2018, they also immobilize access to the Intermarché supermarket by occupying the roundabout that serves and do not let trucks and cars about every half hour. The roundabout is closed at the height of Saint-Symphorien-le-Valois.

The yellow vests say: "We are here to stay and we have the support of the population. A haytillon butcher brought us pies and sausages and bakers, chouquettes, croissants and lots of coffee. We feel that the ras-le-bol is general. Obviously the organization is running! "