William Molinié / Photo credits: AFP 06:10, January 25, 2024, modified at 06:11, January 25, 2024

Is the farmers' movement shifting?

On Wednesday, the Lot-et-Garonne prefecture was targeted by manure dumped indoors.

A fire lit in front of this symbol of the State in the department.

According to Europe 1 information, territorial intelligence is now raising the risk of harsh actions in Paris.

Ile-de-France farmers are joining the dance.

Several actions are planned this Wednesday in Seine-et-Marne and Yvelines.

No road blocking, but slow moving traffic.

Farmers plan to distribute leaflets, apples and local products to motorists.

If the movement moves closer to the capital, the demonstrators do not intend to block Paris before next week.

“We expect some damage to the sidelines of the convoys”

These professionals are waiting, according to territorial intelligence, for announcements from the government, promised by Friday.

Except that groups of Yellow Vests and the ultra-left are calling to join the movement.


 Agriculture: 94% of French people want to ban the importation of foreign products that do not meet the standards imposed on our farmers

“We expect some damage on the sidelines of the convoys,” anticipates a police source.

But Gérald Darmanin sent instructions for restraint to the prefects on Wednesday evening.

He demands “great moderation” in the management of law enforcement. 

The CRS and mobile gendarmes are only authorized to intervene as a last resort and only if the integrity of people is threatened or if buildings are exposed to serious damage.