In the murder trial for the violent death of the student Susanna F., the defendant Ali B. confessed in front of the Wiesbaden district court that she had killed the girl. "It turned black before my eyes, then it came to this event, I do not know how that could happen," said the 22-year-old, according to the interpreter's translation. He then looked to see if the girl is still alive, but felt no pulse.

B., however, continued to deny raping Susannas F. According to the indictment, Ali B. passed away in a field on the night of May 22-23, 2018 to Susanna F. When she threatened to go to the police, he attacked and strangled her from behind, the prosecutor said. Afterwards, he and another unknown person dug a hole in the ground and buried the dead.

Soon more on SPIEGEL ONLINE.