The Board of Directors of the Syndicate of Musical Professions, headed by the artist Hani Shaker, decided to stop singer Sherine Abdel Wahab from singing in Egypt.

The musicians' union set up next Wednesday to investigate allegations of abuse at its last concert in Bahrain, said Tariq Mortada, media advisor to the Syndicate of Musicians.

The lawyer Samir Sabri filed an urgent complaint against the singer Sherine Abdel Wahab, accusing her of describing the abuse of Egypt and the dissemination of false news, according to the site "home" Egyptian, accused of the letter Shirin

Spreading false news and inviting suspicious human rights organizations working against the country to interfere in Egyptian affairs. "During the revival of a concert in Bahrain, I insulted Egypt," she said. "I know how much I can speak in my comfort in Egypt, where I speak in prison."

He called on the foreign organizations to intervene in Egyptian affairs in general and to call on the human rights organizations that are working against Egypt and to give them material to speak and publish in order to harm the Egyptian state in addition to spreading false news.

Sheren has already faced similar claims and investigations after controversial statements about "Nile waters" and other things.