The importance of spreading awareness among the public is important to achieve a true understanding of reality, to determine the public interest that everyone desires, and to know who is a real threat to society. Even if there are any options, the selection process is clear and clear. Clear. The intellectual consciousness we talk about does not usually reach all people, but it has to reach a mass of people, known as the critical mass needed for change, the group that affects the rest and is followed by people afterwards.

If we take Sudan as a case, and although the people are highly aware, there is a category that sees change as undesirable. Some may deplore and marvel at this group, which is still convinced that the current system is the most appropriate, despite the deterioration of the situation is unmistakable! The reason is that there are deep-rooted convictions and ideas that must be changed, and this can only be done through logical and logical debate and dialogue away from accusations and treason, and also without ridicule or detracting from the other, but by establishing argument and persuasion.

After establishing the argument, there remains a range of lovers and interests who reject all the arguments and proofs of disease in them or a purpose in their breasts

The reason is that people are different in their perceptions and comprehension, and their appreciation of events and analysis and beyond the look behind the news. Human nature at first sight is affected by the event emotionally, but the difference occurs in the mental analysis after the event, and when evaluating the motives and causes, and people in it at varying degrees. Let us set an example until the article becomes clear: someone walking on the road was met by another person and said to him, "You stupid! Here the response of the person who depends on him depends on the degree of analysis of the situation. He can be through the direct reaction, so that he will attack him and respond angrily to him than he said, and in another course he can say what prompted him to do not know me? It must be a bug! He goes and ignores it. This difference between the two situations can take many other paths between ignorance and confrontation, but it reflects the idea that we want to convey, that the degree of assimilation and analysis of events is not the same for all people, so it is necessary to discuss different ideas and convictions to reach the most appropriate option, which we agree.

After seeing the most prominent statements and articles from those who defend the current system, one finds that there are a number of ideas that constitute convictions among those who say that the current regime should continue and reject change. These ideas can be read in their surroundings as follows: The current government is the most appropriate and there is no suitable alternative in the arena! Revolutions lead to destruction and devastation (Syria, Libya and Yemen are examples)! These demonstrators have an external and internal agenda and do not represent the people! The current government is diligent in reform and must be given a chance! The country is suffering from the siege and conspiracies from foreign countries and this has caused the deterioration of the situation! The current government is Islamic and protector of Islam and we will not accept the leftists in power! I have personal interests and I will lose my privileges if the system falls (my position - my salary - my place)! Elections after a year, then they changed the system through the boxes! We have not come to power except after Jihad and sacrifices and we are with us and we will use them! This system is deeply rooted and has many achievements and projects and we do not want to change it! These are the main ideas, not all of them.

Despite the thought of some of the rush of these ideas, but it must be taken seriously, since there are actually people who are fully convinced of it, and here highlights the role of intellectuals and writers in the erosion of these ideas one after the other, taking into account the response to all the suspicions necessary For each idea, with clear, logical and comprehensive answers. After the argument, there is a range of lovers and interests who reject all arguments and proofs of disease in them or a purpose in their chests, as described by the Boussiri in Burda: "The eye may deny the sunlight from the ointment and deny the mouth the taste of water from Sqm" Will eventually yield to the demands of the people, especially after the change of balance of power, these constitute what is known as the deep state. In any event, the battle of awareness remains of the utmost importance, and its communication and dissemination is a role of intellectuals, thinkers and various platforms.