What do you do when you have a problem? Do you follow a specific methodology or way of thinking in dealing with the problem? How did you get to this method? Is it one in all problems? How do you evaluate the solutions available? What if you can not find a suitable solution? The skill of problem solving is one of the most important skills needed by the labor market and educational institutions, as well as in various aspects of our lives, and this skill is not acquired by coincidence or by reading a book or watching a movie on YouTube, but acquiring this skill needs to be studied scientifically, It is a repetitive and systematic exercise. It is preferable to learn that skill from a young age. It takes a lot of time to refine it and try it over and over again, although the problems are the salt of life and indispensable as they play a large role in learning both at the level of individuals and institutions or governments.

In the United States, one out of every 100 people behind bars has prison terms for a crime or several crimes. Researchers attribute one of the most important reasons for crimes to inability to solve problems in the right way that does not hurt the person or others. Especially the United States. The educational system is based on providing students with problem-solving skills, without focusing solely on scientific content, which may not be applied or even understood in some cases. Some Arab countries have tried to apply them in what is known as "life skills." To ensure the success of this approach, however, it must be applied in a complementary way to the rest of the curriculum or linked to practical reality. But what is the solution if the educational system does not include this skill? I think that there are many educational sources available at a symbolic cost that can be used and encouraged our children to learn from the primary stage.

For us as adults, what does not realize all of it does not leave the whole, and we try to take advantage of the technology and resources available, there is the site «Skils Share», which provides content in a smooth and smooth fashion, and there are serious translation books for specialists dedicated their time and effort to share their knowledge and knowledge of others, and on the one hand In the TQM literature there are seven proven and important ways of problem solving and continuous improvement in institutional work, such as Pareto Analysis and Control Maps. There are also many scientific methods that I will have selected articles to come.

What do you do when you have a problem? Do you follow a specific methodology or way of thinking in dealing with the problem?



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