In the category of "Best Film" will fight "Green Book", "Black Panther", "Roma", "Star was born", "Favorite", "Black Clanman", "Bohemian rapsody" and "Power".

Congratulations to the Best Picture nominees # / KF8m9vaM5h

- The Academy (@TheAcademy) January 22, 2019

The nominees for the Best Actress category were Jalica Aparisio (Roma), Lady Gaga (Star was born), Glenn Close, (Wife), Olivia Coleman (Favorite) and Melissa McCarthy (Can you forgive?).

Congratulations to the Leading Actress nominees # / Xt48ySqzE2

- The Academy (@TheAcademy) January 22, 2019

The list of nominees for the award in the category “Best Actor” includes Rami Malek (“Bohemian Rhapsody”), Christian Bale (“Power”), Viggo Mortensen (“Green Book”), Bradley Cooper (“Star was born”), Willem Defoe ( "On the threshold of eternity").

Congratulations to the Leading Actor nominees! # / PEd8EiKTs0

- The Academy (@TheAcademy) January 22, 2019

In the category of "Best Director" will compete Alfonso Cuaron ("Roma"), Adam McKay ("Power"), Spike Lee ("Black Clan Man"), Pavel Pavlikovsky ("Cold War"), Yorgos Lantimos ("Favorite").

A full list of nominees is presented on the website of the award.