The Frank S., 54, acquitted at the end of October of the charge of attempted murder, could not have been brought to justice after the state of the investigation. This can be concluded after SPIEGEL information from a preliminary internal review of the State Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA).

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The acquittal had caused a stir because the judge had made serious allegations against the investigating cold-cases unit with its boss Steven Baack. This could possibly witnesses questioned and deceived witnesses.

In its previously unpublished interim report, the LKA questions the probative value of the central indicators. Neither alleged statements of the accused to the measurer were then resilient nor the information of the main witnesses.

"Suggestive questioning situations"

The victim, who was stabbed and sexually harassed in 1980, could only partially remember the perpetrator. Comparative photos were presented unprofessionally. However, most of the shortcomings were for the prosecutor already before the indictment from the file was recognizable, they say. Even the provisional arrest appears "hasty".

The report acknowledges investigation errors and "suggestive questioning situations". The LKA did not find any evidence for the allegation that Baack had truthfully claimed against the accused and a witness that DNA had been secured on the batsman.

The Soko boss has already been dropped off. The prosecution also examines the allegations.

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