Huawei 9 months financial results until last month Sales increase is uncertain October 23, 14:59

Huawei, a major Chinese telecommunications equipment company, announced its nine-month financial results up to last month, with sales up more than 9% from the same period last year.

However, the outlook is uncertain as US regulations on semiconductor supply have been tightened since last month.

Huawei announced on the 23rd that its nine-month financial results for the nine months to last month showed sales of RMB 671.3 billion and JPY 10.5 trillion in Japanese yen, an increase of 9.9% compared to the same period last year.

Sales growth slowed compared to the previous year, but it secured an increase even as the US Trump administration tightened.

Since it is not listed on the stock market, the details of its financial results have not been disclosed, but it seems that the progress of the development of the latest communication standard 5G base station in China has led to an increase in sales.

However, as the United States tightened regulations on the supply of semiconductors to Huawei from the 15th of last month, it is expected that the production of smartphones will be affected in the future, and the future of business results is uncertain.

In a statement released on the 23rd, the company said, "As the world works to overcome the new coronavirus, Huawei's supply chain is under enormous pressure at the same time, but to fulfill its customer responsibilities and survive. We will continue to do our best in the future. "