Rosa María Mateo rebounds to Congress the request made this week by 15 approved candidates to finally constitute a board of directors in RTVE.

That body would serve to relieve a journalist who has been the sole provisional administrator for more than two years.

"We intend to make public a letter-manifesto in which the immediate compliance with the provisions of the law is requested and to finalize the selection process that has already begun," these applicants had raised, asking the administrator "to have the acts of the Corporation building in Prado del Rey ".

However, Mateo has stated in his response that the radio and television headquarters is not the appropriate place for that purpose and has preferred to bounce the petition to the Lower House chaired by Meritxell Batet.

As EL MUNDO can anticipate, the administrator has settled that "the election process" is "the exclusive competence of the Cortes Generales", as stated in his letter on Tuesday to the question raised the day before.

"For this reason, I immediately transfer your letter

to the president of the Cortes Generales so that she can deal with responding to your demands


Mateo believes that "the right way is to go to the body that must resolve this situation" and not to her or to the public chain pending a change of command.

This newspaper has been able to collect some of the reactions of the signatories, such as

"contempt", "blindness" and "abandonment"

, impressions of these candidates who have found "the door closed" in the corporation they intend to manage and in which , in many cases, they already work today.

The claim comes from

15 of the 19 applicants considered suitable

in the screening to form a board of directors in RTVE.

Among these, there is a specific point that has set off the alarms about the paralyzed process, and it is located at the beginning of the administrator's letter: "I acknowledge receipt of your letter from yesterday on behalf of

15 of the 95 candidates for the contest

for the election of the board of directors of RTVE ".

Mateo skips the expert committee review

According to one of the applicants, the calculation is not innocent but a "political and strategic" message that is "in line" with what was recently stated by President Pedro Sánchez regarding the public tender.

Mateo would be playing down the importance of the examination carried out on the candidates, passed by only a score of them (the journalist Alicia G. Montano died and therefore 19 remain), as if any new decision regarding the contest must take into consideration everyone the postulated applicants, instead of the 19 who have already passed the expert committee examination and were classified as suitable.

The lawyers of the Cortes (of the Senate in this case) have expressed their doubts regarding the screening carried out by the committee of experts, a selection that has generated up to thirty resources of discontented candidates.

The clash between both groups has even led to the staging of a cross of reproaches, to finish entangling this tangled process in itself.

In their report, the lawyers emphasize the

low female quota of those approved

: 4 women out of 20 (3 out of 19 after Montano's death), so they present as a possible solution

"calling other candidates to appear who, without being classified in the top 20, they have been evaluated "

, which" would allow a higher number of candidates to be called to appear, and thereby expand the number of women who can be elected to the board of directors of the RTVE corporation. "

The committee of experts, who appreciate an amendment to their work in that supposedly technical legal opinion, consequently accused the lawyers of coinciding "with the positions of


and known interests that always try to put

sticks in the wheels of the democratic reform of RTVE


Well, last week, at the premiere of

La hora de La 1

, the new TVE morning, Pedro Sánchez gave value to the critical opinion with the election of the 19 candidates: "It is evident that

there is a report from the lawyers that a solution to the current blockade

, to the resources also raised by some participants of that public contest that was launched more than a year ago, and we hope that over the next few months we can solve it, "said the president asked on set by Mònica López.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Rosa Maria Mateo

  • Senate

  • Pedro Sanchez

  • Meritxell Batet

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