The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron gave a long interview Tuesday noon, the first of his five-year term on the occasion of July 14. 

After nine months of work, the Citizen Climate Convention has made its proposals. The 150 citizens drawn by lot were then received by Emmanuel Macron, on June 29. And the Head of State then assured them of wanting to retain 146 of their 149 proposals, most of which will be the subject of a "specific bill" multi-measures in September. Asked Tuesday on this subject - without forgetting the vague environmentalist who submerged France in municipal elections - Emmanuel Macron assured that his ecological ambition was not feigned. He even took the opportunity to announce his desire to "massively redevelop" rail freight, night trains and small lines. "Wherever we have deployed TGV in our country, and where this or that city is two hours from Paris, two quarter past fifteen, are interior lines that are at one hour, one hour ten, still justified? No. And so here, we have to rationalize our model. That is very concrete. However, when you have the train which takes 3, 4, 5, 6 hours, is the line, the domestic flight, the plane line justified? Yes, because we need to go to Brive. We need to continue to develop in Toulouse, in Pau ", he explained first. Then the President assured him:" We are going to redevelop rail freight massively. We are going to redevelop night trains. Here too, we are going to redevelop small train lines because all that saves money and it reduces our emissions. "