Nicolas Barré, Friday in his eco lighting on Europe 1, underlined that the Head of State, after the period of troubles linked to the coronavirus, intends to put the pension reform file back on the table.

Emmanuel Macron confirms this in an interview with the regional daily press: he is keen on his pension reform and wants to put it back on the carpet. "It would be a mistake to put this reform in the trash," he said. For a simple reason: he argues that this reform is made for all those who have had broken careers, women in particular, or who hold precarious jobs. In short, it is made for those who were called the "second lines" during confinement, "the deliverers, the cashiers", all these trades of services that made the country stand.

"This France is losing out in the current system", says Emmanuel Macron and this is why he wants to relaunch this summer a major consultation with the social partners on this reform. Social partners who are not very enthusiastic about this idea. It is the least we can say. Their subject is the social plans that arrive. Besides, the Head of State does not hide that the start of the school year will be "very hard".

Nevertheless, he is keen to pursue the reforms. He says that everything is open to discussion, including the sensitive issue of the pivotal age. We understand that he wants this reform to be set in stone before the presidential election in 2022, even if it is significantly transformed compared to the initial project. Opening also on unemployment insurance, since it renounces to extend from 4 to 6 months the duration of contribution to have rights. With or without Edouard Philippe, the reforms will continue.