Emergency Declaration Kansai Companies Switch to Telecommuting April 8 16:48

In response to the declaration of emergency, companies in Kansai are taking measures such as temporarily closing offices and switching to working from home.

Daiwa House Industry, a major housing manufacturer headquartered in Osaka City, temporarily closed eight offices, including the head office, and all offices in Osaka and Hyogo from the 8th to the 6th of next month. Is to switch to work at The target audience in Osaka and Hyogo is about 4,500, and business such as residential exhibition halls will be suspended.

Sharp has also decided to extend the scope of work-from-home work, which used to be mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area, to the headquarters in Sakai, Osaka, and offices in Yao. The period is scheduled for next month.

Iwatani Corporation, a major gas company headquartered in Osaka, has expanded its telecommuting program for some departments. Meanwhile, we will supply LP gas to homes and factories as usual.

Nippon Life, a major life insurance company, has introduced telecommuting in earnest, with approximately 9,000 out of 12,000 employees at 210 locations in Osaka and Hyogo combined.