• Social Security.Escrivá promises to close the system deficit, link pensions to the CPI and promote migratory flows

The Government of Pedro Sánchez will carry out an imminent fiscal increase. It is something that he already tried last year, but he was not able to move forward due to lack of support, and it is something he will address again in the coming weeks. And although it was something that was already meridianemente clear, the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, has anticipated it in the act of taking office.

"We have been working on some projects that seem exciting to me for some time. The first one is that of the taxation of the 21st century. I will continue to explain that paying taxes is a guarantee for developed societies ," he explained. the also spokeswoman of the Government.

And he added: "The important thing is not if you pay more or less taxes, the important thing is who pays them, who needs to ask for an effort so that our public accounts are cleared. That each one contributes according to their capacity, and we all receive based on our needs . "

With this last sentence, Montero has made direct reference to the Executive's intention to raise the IRPF to higher incomes, tighten the figure of Patrimony, increase the type of Companies paid by large companies, especially banks and oil companies. Together with these tax modifications, the Government of Sánchez also plans to introduce a lien on the sale of shares, a green tax that will increase the price of diesel or the Google rate .

Budgets "as soon as possible"

All these actions, as well as the tax reduction for SMEs or the reduction of VAT in veterinary services, will be contained in the General State Budget of 2020, which Montero has explained will be presented " as soon as possible ". The minister did not want to offer specific dates, since she wants to keep the "tied" accounts, that is, with all the necessary parliamentary support, something that will not be much less simple and that will force the Government to content many and very different forces policies.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Maria Jesus Montero
  • Taxes

Public funds The Government of Pedro Sánchez "intervenes" Andalusia and demands cuts

Government María Jesús Montero, persuasion in the minefield of the legislature

Public accounts The Board maintains that there is room for negotiation with the Treasury to prevent the new intervention of its accounts