Ben Zyskowicz, a member of parliament and parliamentary candidate for the National Coalition Party, was on his way to the metro with campaign staffers when he was suddenly assaulted by an unknown man on Saturday.

The man allegedly approached Zyskowicz as he stood at the station, only to yell at him and threaten to push him down the track. The assailant also allegedly mentioned something about NATO before punching the parliamentary candidate in the face, Zyskoqicz told Yle.

"Scolded me for NATO"

He told Iltalehti newspaper that "the motive was clearly political" and that "he scolded me for NATO and for Judaism."

After the beating, Zyskowicz tried to chase the man who responded by pushing him over. Meanwhile, colleagues called the police who arrested the man on the spot.

Despite the beatings, he has chosen to continue with the election campaign in full.

"It is extremely important that actions like this do not meet their goal, to influence an election candidate's campaigning," Zyskowicz told Yle.

Niinistö and Marin condemn the attack

President Sauli Niinistö draws attention to the incident in a post on Twitter. There he writes that the beating is a "cowardly attack" and that hatred, threats and violence at election time are a violation of democracy.

Finland's Prime Minister also agrees that this is an attack on democracy:

"Everyone must have the right to campaign in peace, without the threat of violence," Sanna Marin wrote on Twitter.

The member says he survived without serious physical injuries, but has reported the man to the police for assault and unlawful threats. Helsinki police confirm that they are investigating the incident.