The story of how firefighters broke through the flames and found a bundle of cash belonging to a woman in her 70s at the scene of a fire in a shopping mall became known belatedly.

In the early morning of the day before yesterday (28th), a fire broke out in a shopping mall near the traditional market in Geumhak-dong, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do.

It was a situation where the fire was not easily caught, but at this time, an elderly woman merchant approached the firefighters and said, 'There is a precious item in the store's refrigerator' and shed tears.

The firefighters ventured in with the thought that 'that's how grandma could jump in', and found three black plastic bags containing bundles of 50,000 won bills in the refrigerator.

It is said that her grandmother, who received her money, bowed her head and repeated her words of thanks. It is known.

Firefighters said they were fortunate to have found her grandmother's valuables without harming her life.

(Article source: Donga Ilbo, Screen provided: Gangwon Fire Agency)