An on-site crowd management system that analyzes and responds to the risk of crowding based on information and communication technology, such as mobile phone location signal data, will be established within this year.

The authority to declare a disaster situation, which belongs to the Minister of Public Administration and Security, is also granted to mayors and provincial governors.

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security announced today (27th) the comprehensive plan to reorganize the pan-governmental national safety system, including these contents.

First, by 2027, all local governments will operate 24-hour situation rooms, and all local government CCTVs will be replaced with intelligent ones to utilize CCTV images for disaster prevention.

In particular, the density is monitored based on CCTV video analysis, and when danger is detected, it is transmitted to the fire department and the police, and the related situation is quickly delivered to the area by text message.

This system will be piloted in large cities such as Seoul and Busan and then expanded nationwide.

Advance detection of disaster accidents based on artificial intelligence (AI), connection to 112 reports, and tracking of abnormal behavior recognition are also promoted step by step.

It was decided to introduce a 112 repeat report detection system that automatically displays to the 112 system when three or more repeated reports are reported within an hour within a radius of 50 m, and activate 112/119 video reports to share the reported video between agencies.

By 2027, a system to operate the Disaster Situation Room 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in all cities, counties and districts will be established.

Currently, only 49 out of 228 cities, counties and districts across the country are operating situation rooms.

CCTV images from 228 local governments across the country will be linked with police and firefighting, and the connection between local government disaster CCTVs and the National Disaster Management Information System (NDMS) will be expanded from 7 cities and provinces to all cities and provinces.

In addition, by 2027, all local government CCTVs will be converted into intelligent CCTVs incorporating AI to manage dangerous situations through automatic detection of anomalies and automatic video analysis.

Currently, among the 530,000 CCTVs of local governments, 24% or 130,000 are intelligent.

The Disaster Safety Communication Network, which was not used between agencies in the Itaewon disaster, is also planned to be used by making it mandatory to use the situation room between related agencies and holding a training session once a week.

In addition, information sharing between the fire department and disaster medical support team has been strengthened so that they can be quickly dispatched to the scene.

In order to operate a disaster safety management system that anticipates new risks and prepares for them at all times, it was decided to establish a new disaster risk factor discovery center at the National Disaster and Safety Research Institute.

The government also plans to reorganize the disaster safety management system centering on the field so that local governments, police, and fire departments can cooperate organically.

The Disaster Safety Act will also be amended so that in addition to the Minister of Public Administration and Security, mayors and governors can declare a disaster situation when a large-scale disaster occurs.

It means that the mayor/provincial governor declares a disaster and has the police and firefighters coordinate the joint response.

Local governments will gradually increase the number of personnel in charge of disaster safety and improve their treatment, such as an increase in allowances.

'Public Safety 24' will be newly established to integrate and manage data distributed and managed by disaster management agencies on a disaster safety information integration platform and to provide various disaster safety information.

In order to support the daily recovery of disaster victims, the restoration subsidy will be raised from 16 million won to 20 million to 36 million won in case of complete damage to the house, and a basis for support for small business owners who have difficulty operating due to disaster damage will be prepared. I did.