<Anchor> The

view from the sky was like a perfect New Year's Day after 3 years.

The familiar scenery was completed by visiting the tomb and enjoying Yutnori.

Reporter Bae Jun-woo brought it in.


Kids throwing yut the size of me.

In front of children who are not good at kicking jegi, the father demonstrates his skills after a long time.

A procession of musicians dressed in hanbok enhances the holiday atmosphere.

Today (22nd), visitors form a long line in front of the Blue House, where the president stayed, and outings continue to flow in front of Geunjeongjeon Hall in Gyeongbokgung Palace, where the king of Joseon was located.

Hikers flocked to the top of Bukhansan Mountain, where the snowscape is spectacular, for the holiday season.

In the snow-covered park cemetery, tomb-goers came to pay ancestral rites.

After taking out the food they have prepared, they gather in groups of two and three and bow.

The theater was also crowded during the holiday season.

[Jung-Woo Lim, Soo-Hyeon Lim/Yeouido-dong, Seoul: (The procedure is simplified) and seems to place more emphasis on spending time with family.]

Returnees who had a good time in their hometowns are full of packages,

[Park Hyung-min, Lee Eun-young] /Nokbeon-dong, Seoul: We don't have many opportunities to get together, but I think it's good to be able to have a good meal together and spend time with family.]

Even the late returnees heading home are walking lighter than last year.

[Lim Jeong-soo, Kim Hyeon-jeong/Hwagok-dong, Seoul: Especially since this is the first time we are going together after the distancing has been lifted, we plan to take off our masks without paying attention to the surroundings, give our grandfather a lot of hugs, and do a lot of jokes.

] ', and announced that an average of 30,000 seats per day will be additionally organized than usual.

(Video coverage: Kim Seung-tae, Video editing: Park Ki-duk)