I told you that a mother in her 60s, who took care of her daughter with severe disabilities for 38 years and eventually killed her, cried out in court saying, "I am a bad mother."

The mother was sentenced to probation.

The Incheon District Court sentenced Mr. A in his 60s, who was charged with murder yesterday (19th), to 3 years in prison and 5 years probation.

In May of last year, Mr. A was handed over to trial for killing his 30-year-old daughter by feeding him sleeping pills.

Her daughter, who was severely disabled with first degree brain lesions, has been disabled since her birth, and she was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer a few months before the incident.

The judge pointed out that no matter how much a mother is, she has no right to decide on her daughter's life. I explained why.

He added that the lack of state support for people with disabilities and their families also seems to have had a significant impact on the occurrence of this incident.