
Kakao has been distributing free emoticons since yesterday (5th) in order to compensate for the Kakao Talk crash in October of last year.

However, it is pointed out that some services are a trick because they are supposed to go to automatic payment after the one-month free period ends.

Reporter Kim Soo-young covered the story.


Kakao paid compensation to general users of all citizens as an apology for the 'food shortage' caused by a data center fire in October of last year.

There are three types of free emoticons provided, one of which can be used permanently, while the remaining two limit the use period to 90 days, causing some users to express dissatisfaction.

It is also controversial that some of the services provided are set to go over to automatic recurring payments after one month.

The first 3 million people are provided with a 1-month license for 'Talk Drawer Plus', which can store photos and conversations, and when the usage period expires, the monthly fee of 1,900 won is paid regularly.

The actual instructions state that after the expiration of the subscription period, the usage fee will be paid regularly with the registered payment method, and if you do not want to pay, you must cancel before the payment date.

If you cannot cancel within the period, you will have to pay a fee. As a result, users pointed out that it is a business that induces new subscribers rather than compensation for damage.

Kakao announced that it will inform users separately before the one-month free trial period passes.

This is the first case in which an online platform compensated for damage to users of free services, but the light faded due to some tricks to use as a marketing tool.

(Video coverage: Lee Sang-hak, video editing: Kim Jin-won)