<Anchor> The

investigation into the 'epilepsy' military service corruption, which we first raised as a problem, is currently underway extensively.

However, as we conducted additional coverage, it was confirmed that nearly 200 people were exempted from military service by applying for a reexamination every year on the grounds of 'epilepsy'.

This is Reporter Sohn Ki-jun.


Due to the nature of the disease, most epileptic patients are able to live their daily lives just by taking medicines on time.

However, in the military, as much as it can lead to safety accidents, the Military Manpower Administration is strictly judging military service.

When examining the military service examination data for the past five years, it was found that between 500 and as many as 800 people each year received a grade 4 supplementary grade or lower due to epilepsy at the first physical examination.

In particular, when narrowing down the targets through re-examination, around 200 people are excluded from active duty enlistment every year.

The 'Joint Military Service Evasion Investigation Team' is also carefully looking at those exempted from this reexamination.

This is because applicants for re-examination are often classified as eligible for active duty enlistment in the first physical examination. 

Professional volleyball player Jae-seong Cho, who identified himself as a participant in corruption in military service, was also subject to active service, but he was reduced to grade 4 in February of last year after being diagnosed with epilepsy.

The military service broker Mr. Koo, who arranged for Jo, lasted from February 2020 to August of this year, and during this period, more than 200 people were judged on the 4th and 5th grades.

[Administrative B: It is said that (Mr. Goo) taught him to put both hands in his pockets during the examination and pinch his thighs once in the middle.]

Therefore, the investigation team was re-examined at the time and among those who were excluded from military service, including Mr. It is known that it will also check if there has been any contact with the broker.

(Video editing: Kim Jun-hee, CG: Jegal-chan, Park Chun-woong)