A story was told of a college student who lost his wallet and was deeply moved by the parcel that arrived one day and the letter in it.

College student A, who lost his wallet, was giving up because there was no way to find it, but he said that one day he received a courier.

It is said that in his courier, there was a letter from an aunt who works as a school cleaner along with his wallet.

I will read the contents of the letter.

'There is a coat in the classroom, so I folded it up there, but it's been a while, but I can't find it.

I see that there is a lot of money in it, so I send it to the address.

I prayed to God for several days to find the owner'.

Student A, who found the wallet, asked netizens for advice, saying, "I felt that the world is still very warm. How should I express my gratitude?"

Netizens who came across the story responded such as 'My heart is warm' and 'I am grateful to the sanitation workers'.