Sophia, Grace and Desdemona... humanoid robots programmed with advanced intelligence

3 "sister" robots become the "friendly face" of artificial intelligence

The three robots were designed by American robotics expert David Hanson.

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Artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our daily lives, and we can find it in everything around us, from social networking algorithms to electronic economy and surfing the Internet.

Although many are uncomfortable with the idea, the family of "sister" robots is key to winning over the public skeptical of artificial intelligence.

And these sisters are (Sofia, Grace, and Desdemona), and they are humanoid robots programmed with advanced artificial intelligence.

The oldest of these is Sofia, which was revitalized in 2016 and has garnered widespread attention, largely due to its looks.

Most AI works discreetly, out of sight, running things like software and smartphones, but Sophia is designed to look like a young woman, which is why she's gained fame as the face of AI.

In 2017, Sophia was named the first innovation champion of the United Nations Development Program, and she is the first non-human being to receive a title from the United Nations.

Since then, it has been joined by its two sisters. The three robots were designed by American robotics expert David Hanson, founder and CEO of Hanson Robotics, but the artificial intelligence brains of the three robots were engineered by Ben Gorzel, a former chief scientist at the company. He is now CEO of SingularityNet, an artificial intelligence company.

"Most of the artificial intelligence is behind the scenes in the form of algorithms that do several models of recognition and perception that people have a hard time understanding," Guertzl told CNN.

He added, “The aim of these robots was to overlap between the artificial world and the human world,” noting that “the face is one of the main ways in which humans express their emotions and communicate with each other.

And if you have an AI robot that you can look into its eyes while it smiles at you, that gives us a personal sense of connection.”

Desdemona, Sophia's other sister, shows a completely different application of this type of technology. She is a member of the experimental group "Gurtzel", which is called "Jam Galaxy".

Gurtzl plays the keyboard, while the robot improvises poetry in spoken language in response to the musical and cultural references Gurtzl feeds it through its programming.

"Robots can be used for education and in industry services as well," said Gurzel.

And at the beginning of this year, the (Museum of the Future in Dubai) presented a guide, which is a robot with artificial intelligence, in its exhibition titled (The Future Today). This robot can answer simple visitors' questions about the museum, and its facial expressions and physical responses appear very real.

And as AI permeates our daily lives, research has shown that many people are concerned about its applications to privacy, job loss, and human connection.

The researchers say that AI-supported algorithms used to provide recommendations in social media can form an "echo chamber" that re-imposes people's opinions, polarizing society, and given that the opportunity to interact with bots can help make AI more humane, that It might improve his image.