
Disaster The season has changed, but there are people whose time is still frozen on the night of the last weekend in October.

Reporter Kim Hyung-rae listened to the stories of a mother who lost her son, medical staff who tried to save even one more person, and merchants in Itaewon.


At 6:34 pm on October 29th, when the first police report was received, saying, “I think I will be crushed.”

The time of the late Lee Ji-han's mother has stopped since then.

[Jo Mi-eun/Mother of the late Lee Ji-han: I hope this is a dream, and I wish it would just end with a scene in a drama, and I think that these are things that only appear in movies...


I have spent the past 49 days visiting and caring for those who have lost their families in the same way.

Her mother had not yet let her son go.

[Jo Mi-eun/Mother of the late Lee Ji-han: I haven't reported Ji-han's death yet.

I couldn't because I couldn't do anything, and I don't think I'll be able to do it forever.

When the truth is properly investigated, I want to report the death then.]

A nurse who performed CPR for over 3 hours on the day of the disaster.

He has seen many moments of life and death in the intensive care unit, but the memories of that day are not easily forgotten.

[Nurse: Just looking at the ambulance makes my heart tremble, and I'm worried about what's going to happen.

Ah, I thought, 'I'm not okay'.

But what do I do, because I am a nurse again.

Because I have to live hard again.]

People who live in Itaewon are confused with a mixture of sorry and worry.

[Lee So-woo/Café President: With what kind of mind should I keep this store in Itaewon now, but I'm a little confused.

On the one hand, don't just look at the miserable place where so many accidents happened...


After the disaster, 217 bereaved families and 235 injured people received psychological support from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, but 36 of the bereaved families refused support.

[Shim Min-young/Director of the National Trauma Center: Due to the nature of trauma, there are attributes that are easy to isolate.

There are many people who are very reluctant to reveal that I have been through this kind of incident...


Experts advise that the 'golden time' of overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder is about three months.

With about a month to go, it's time to reach out and solidarity with each other.

(Video coverage: Kang Dong-cheol, Video editing: Lee So-young)

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