<Anchor> The

results of this year's CSAT were announced.

It is evaluated that it is slightly easier than last year, which was said to be the most difficult ever, but the discrimination power of mathematics has increased relatively.

Reporter Lim Tae-woo reports.

<Reporter> The

standard score for 1st grade in each area was 126 points in Korean and 133 points in mathematics, which are 5 points and 4 points lower than last year, respectively.

The highest score for each area, which is a measure of how difficult the test was, was 134 points in Korean and 145 points in mathematics, both of which were lower than last year.

In particular, language discrimination was greatly reduced.

The highest score in mathematics fell only by 2 points, but Korean language fell by 15 points, and the number of perfect Korean students increased more than 10 times from 28 last year to 371 this year.

It seems that male science students, who are traditionally strong in mathematics, will have an advantage due to relatively increased math discrimination.

Students taking the exam should carefully consider the pros and cons of elective subjects.

The highest score for students who took Probability and Statistics in Mathematics was 142, up to three points higher than the other electives.

In the field of inquiry, the highest score in social inquiry increased by up to 6 points from last year, and the difference with the highest score in scientific inquiry disappeared.

This is a different situation from last year, when science inquiry scores were relatively higher, and natural science students benefited.

The score report will be distributed tomorrow, and successful candidates will be announced on the 15th.

Application for regular recruitment will be accepted from the 29th.