
We delivered the news yesterday (17th) that the personal information of the rapist Kim Geun-sik, who was arrested again one day before his release from prison, was released.

To prevent another sexual offense after being released from prison, we are disclosing personal information like this, but there are also points to be improved.

Reporter Shin Jeong-eun pointed this out.


Mr. A was recently released from prison after serving 15 years in prison for raping four 10-year-old girls, but it became controversial because his identity was not disclosed.

According to the relevant law, the subject of disclosure of the identity of sex offenders targeting children and adolescents is those who have committed a crime after June 30, 2006, and the last crime of Mr.

After committing a sexual offense against a 9-year-old child 27 years ago in 1996, Choi was sentenced to life in prison for murder in 1999, a probation period, and the sentence was commuted to 20 years.

Choi, who was released from prison last month but did not register his identity, was recently arrested again on charges of rape and stalking.

According to the current law, the personal registration of sex offenders who committed crimes before January 2010 is possible only after the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family requests a disclosure order and obtains a quotation from the court.

Through this process, personal information has been disclosed in more than 500 cases so far, but only 8 cases including Kim Geun-sik have been made in the last five years.

The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family confessed that there is a limit to accurately identifying the subject of the claim.

[Ministry of Gender Equality and Family: Again, I have to look at the verdict once again to see if there is anyone who has been sentenced to prison.

I think there will be no omissions.

But I can't say I'm 100% sure about it.]

[Chun Jun-ho / National Assembly Administrative Safety Commissioner: Disclosure and notification of people who committed heinous sex crimes before 2010 are not going smoothly.

So many people have no choice but to be anxious...


In line with the purpose of preventing recidivism of child and adolescent sexual offenses, it seems that a thorough supplementation is needed for the disclosure of the identity of the vicious offender.

(Video editing: Ha Seong-won, VJ: Kim Jong-gap)