It seems that the weather is perfect these days, and in autumn, you have to look at the ground carefully.

The reason is that a lot of ginkgo berries have fallen off, and if you step on it, it gives off a very bad stench.

In fact, one out of three street trees in Seoul is a ginkgo tree.

Therefore, each local government is said to be engaged in an all-out war to collect the fruits in advance.

According to the Seoul Metropolitan Government, from the end of August, 25 autonomous districts began to establish comprehensive measures by identifying the location of ginkgo trees and the status of female trees bearing fruit.

Then, a fruit handling task force was set up and the collection began around the 13th of last month.

The key to countermeasures is to pick and remove unripe fruits in advance.

Vibration harvesters are playing the biggest role these days.

In this way, vibrations are applied to the tree more than 800 times per minute to artificially pluck the fruit.

A mesh collection device is also installed to prevent the fruit from falling to the floor.

We are also in the process of replacing the street trees themselves with trees that do not produce fruit.

In the past, when trees were first planted, there was no way to tell the sexes apart, but now it is possible to tell them through DNA testing.