
Those who live in protective facilities such as orphanages and become independent on their own are called self-reliant youth.

You can receive government support for up to five years after independence, but after this period, many young people are thrown into the world without any support.

Reporter Kim Deok-hyun listened to their difficulties.


25-year-old Kang Kang, a young self-reliant youth who was selected for the national bobsled team in March.

During the presidential election, he met with then-candidate Yoon Seok-yeol and talked about the difficulties of young people preparing for self-reliance.

However, last month, Mr. Kang did not participate in the national selection, which is necessary to maintain his national qualification.

This is because the economic hardship has grown too great as the government support that has been received for five years since leaving the orphanage in 2017 was cut off.

As the contract subject of the LH Youth Rental Housing, which was provided by the government, changed to Mr. Kang, the housing cost increased by more than 600,000 won per month.

[Strong / Young self-reliant youth: If I continued to exercise, debts only piled up and I couldn't see the way I was going to go anymore.

Should I go to the factory?

If you want to earn a stable income and live...


For Mr. Kang, who is living off of 800,000 won for basic living expenses and part-time delivery, he is more worried about the next year he graduates from college.

[Strong / young self-reliance preparation: After graduating from university, the qualification for basic livelihood security is cut off.

You really only need your own abilities.

I don't even have an adult to ask, so I wonder if I'm really going to die because of this.]

Mr. Shinseon, a young self-reliant youth who has been independent from the daycare center for 7 years.

Government support has been cut off since last year.

[Fresh / Young man preparing for independence: It was very difficult.

As the discount on LH youth rental interest has disappeared, and there are many other services that cannot be applied for…


At the same time as financial support disappears, psychological anxiety inevitably increases as the service of a self-reliance support agency that monitors and provides counseling for young people preparing for self-reliance ends.

There are no organizations dedicated to self-reliance support in five regions, including Seoul, Sejong, Daegu, Gangwon, and Ulsan, and the dedicated manpower itself is insufficient.

Supporting organizations themselves are insufficient to continue to help young people preparing for self-reliance until they become truly self-reliant.

[Kim Joo-ha / Director of Community Care Center for End of Protection Children: I wish the period was a little wider.

I think that support policies are also needed for friends in their late 20s and early 30s by dividing the sections into sections.]

Young self-reliance-prepared young people want a meticulous social safety net that provides customized support while checking whether they are ready to stand alone.

[Joo Woo-jin / Young self-reliance preparation: It is the most important thing to be able to blend in naturally as a member of society, not from a facility or self-reliance preparation young man.

I wish they could give them some kind of education that would help them settle down in society...


(Video coverage: Jeong Sang-bo, video editing: Choi Hye-young, VJ: Kim Jong-gap)