Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the mobilization of 300,000 reservists for the war in Ukraine, which sparked protests across Russia.

The Russian Human Rights Watch said on the 21st local time that at least 1,000 people were arrested by the police after protests against the mobilization order were held in 38 Russian cities.

Citizens who took part in the protests raised their voices, saying, 'The mobilization order is a grave' and 'You don't have to die for Putin'.

It is known that the size of the protesters grew as young men who were drafted took part in the protests.

Searches for various ways to evade military service, such as 'how to break an arm' and 'how to avoid conscription', also surged on Google and Russian search sites.

Even before the outbreak of war, bribery to avoid enlistment was common, but foreign media predicted that it would become more common in the future.

The procession of escapees from Russia continues.

Flights to Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan, where you can go without a visa from Moscow, have also sold out.