It's college festivals these days.

However, at a university festival in Daejeon, banners and menu boards with sensational phrases appeared.

Controversy arose online, let's take a look.

Yesterday (22nd), photos of banners and menus of student pubs run by students at the festival were uploaded to an anonymous community at a university in Daejeon.

Even though we did a mosaic, there were some embarrassingly sensational words, such as reminiscent of female body parts or suggestive of sexual relations.

It is also reminiscent of the title of a pornographic video.

The photo quickly spread online, and netizens responded, 'Is this the 2022 photo?' and 'It's more shocking that no one is stopping this.'

As the controversy grew, the university demolished the pub, but a university official said, 'Firstly, we had the students submit a statement of reflection, and we will conduct additional investigations and deal with them according to school regulations.'

(Screen Source: Online Community)