
There seems to be a lot of content we need to listen to from the stories of the bereaved families. 

Let’s find out more details with reporter Shin Jeong-eun, who covered the story. 

Q. Could the crime be prevented?

[Reporter Shin Jeong-eun: In October of last year, the court dismissed the arrest warrant for Mr. Jeon, saying there was no fear of escaping or destroying evidence.

For this victim, it would have been difficult to understand the reason for the court's dismissal of the warrant.

A wanted to arrest Jeon, and filed a complaint again, but there was no additional warrant application, and the protective measures that the police could apply directly were not taken because the victim did not want it.

Victims may have been burdened by the fact that they may be exposed to the workplace while receiving protection.

However, due to the nature of sex crimes and stalking crimes, there is a high risk of retaliatory crimes in the process leading to reporting, prosecution, and trial.

Therefore, it is pointed out that compulsory measures against the perpetrators are more necessary than measures to protect the victims that depend on the victim's will.] 

Q. Continuing to urge agreements...

What is the perpetrator's mind?

[Reporter Jeong-eun Shin: In the case of sexual assault crimes such as illegal filming, whether or not you have reached an agreement with the victim is seriously considered in the sentence.

If the victim does not comply with the agreement, there is an analysis that the offender thinks this way because his heavy older brother did not agree with the victim, and it can lead to retaliatory crimes.

Let's hear it.]

[Lee Eun-eui / Lawyer: (Whether or not an agreement) has an absolute influence on the sentencing.

Where will retaliation go for the price paid for not having an agreement?

They think, 'I'm going to jail for a long time because the victim doesn't agree.']

[Reporter Jeong-eun Shin: Actually, the fact that our SBS arbitration team analyzed the verdict of the illegal filming crime, and the fact that they agreed with the victim. Almost half of them were applied as a reason for this commutation.

One of the main defense strategies of the perpetrators of sex crimes is to come to an agreement with the victim, but it seems necessary to think about whether the agreement leads to a commutation or a narrow punishment.]

▶ One day before the 'stalking sentence', planned retaliatory murder

▶ Became a devil Motive to join...

Let's avoid arrest, stalking and asking for agreement