
Two people miraculously survived yesterday (6th) evening in the apartment parking lot in Pohang, which was flooded by a typhoon, but the other seven people unfortunately all died.

Fire officials do not expect any further missing persons to be found.

Correspondent Son Ki-joon.


At around 7:40 a.m. yesterday morning, the fire department received reports that they could not be reached after going to the underground parking lot of an apartment building in Pohang to get a car, and the fire department mobilized 160 equipment such as large-capacity tarpaulins to flood the scene. I started draining the water from the old underground parking lot.

Lifesaving work started in earnest.

At around 8 pm yesterday evening, the first survivor, a man in his 30s, was discovered, and an hour and a half later, the second survivor, a woman in his 50s, was found and taken to the hospital.

According to the fire department, survivors were able to avoid a sudden rush of water by dangling from ceiling plumbing or by hiding in spaces where building materials were placed.

After that, the underground parking lot search operation continued until dawn.

So far, nine people have been rescued, of which seven have died.

The fire department said that search personnel scanned the underground parking lot that had been filled with water using the 'trawl net' method, which is a method of passing by in a line.

He added that he carefully checked to see if anyone might be trapped in the car and conducted several searches, but found no additional missing persons other than the nine rescued.

[Park Chi-min / Pohang Nambu Fire Chief: I searched the inside or outside of the car in the same form, but I was careful every time I searched, and I assumed that it would not come out anymore because (the missing person) was not found…


The previous nine missing people heard an announcement from the apartment management office saying 'Get out of the underground parking lot' at around 6:30 a.m. the day before, and they went down to the parking lot and had an accident.